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Chilean Wine Dinner with Damon Little


April 30, 2025

April 30, 2025


£120 per person

We will be hosting a fun evening of food and wine in the Pool House Restaurant at Lympstone Manor that will feature Chile and will be hosted by Damon Little from Liberty Wines.

The history of viticulture in Chile dates back to the 16th century with the Spanish introducing the first varietals into South America followed by the French in the mid 1800’s which at that particular time was an enormous stroke of luck because the dreaded Phylloxera bug struck Europe soon after, and to this day Chile remains the only wine country in the world not to be affected by it.

Chile has massive potential for making high quality wine but in recent history much of their production has been dominated by inexpensive entry level wines made principally from Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Carmenere coming from the very high yielding vineyards in Chile’s central valley.  The focus in the last few decades on planting soil mapped vineyards which are drip irrigated or with no irrigation is bearing quality fruit that will undoubtedly change the course of the wine industry and their future is very bright indeed.   

Damon will introduce a selection of stunning regional wines paired with a seasonal menu which really does showcase some fantastic examples from the Liberty Wine portfolio, ranging from the Malleco Valley in the deep south and up through the heart of Chile and into the Cachapoal and Colchagua Valleys where some incredibly fresh and full flavoured wines can be found.

The evening will  commence at 7.00pm with canapés and arrival fizz taking seats in the Pool House Restaurant for a  superbly matched menu designed and prepared by Michael and his team.

We look forward to welcoming you to Lympstone Manor for this wonderful and fun evening of food and wine.

Do you have a question about this event?

Call 01395 202040

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Chilean Wine Dinner

Wednesday 30th April 2025



2020 Classic Cuvée, Lympstone Manor Estate, Devon, England


Atol de Elote

sweetcorn velouté, cinnamon, crispy tortillas

2023 `Locura 1` Malleco Valley Chardonnay, Clos des Fous, Limari Valley, Chile


Chilean style ceviche

sea bream ceviche, chilli, lime and coconut

2024`Tradicion Reserva` Sauvignon Blanc, Chateau Los Boldos, Cachapoal Valley, Chile


Carna asada, casamiento Salvadoreno

grilled sirloin, pebre, fried rice and beans

2021 Carmenere, Montes Alpha, Colchagua Valley, Chile


Mousse de maracuya

passion fruit mousse, exotic fruit salad, passion fruit jelly

2024 Noble Riesling, Framingham, Marlborough, New Zealand


Tea and coffee served with alfajores

shortbread with dulce de leche

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